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Name: Brandon
Age: 15!!!
School: CCHMS
Birthday: 22nd Feb 1994


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The holidays are around the corner. Usually i would be quite lugubrious about it but this time as i would not be seeing my friends. However, i am feeling nebulous on whether i am supposed to be maudlin. On one hand, i would be taking a long break from schoool, but on the other hand, it means that the exams are getting closer. Recently, i have also been abstemious in my food as i do not want to be ill and waste my holidays. i intend to enjoy my holidays and at the same time, do revision so that i would not have any vissitudes and my studies.

The-Day-Of-Black-Sun at 6:45 AM



Every time i would trvel to school, i will feel somewhat nostalgic. I would remember when i was stiil in primary 1, i dreaded going to school. Almost every day, there would be strife in my house and even balk at the idea of going to school as i was reluctant to go to school. This is because i hated being in the restrictive areas of the class room, as i was very curious, i would usually like to roam around, however in school there were rules, thus caused my hate towards school. I remembered that sometimes, i give mendacious claims about being sick but to no avail. However, now i would prefer to go to school. Meeting new friends and having lots of laughs together makes coming to school so enjoyable. Unfortunately, all good things will come to an end, so i have to make the best of the time i have with thme.

The-Day-Of-Black-Sun at 6:29 AM



My study table was old and worn out. I had been using it since primary school, thus my dad thought that it was about time I had a new one. We decided to head to the nearby DIY stall to get some parts to build a new table. Upon entering, we spontaneously split up and romped about looking for the suitable table that could fit my room. It took us a while before we were finally able to find the perfect table. I was a buff of my dad he was always great with tools. I had always craved to help my dad build stuff, and this time, he finally gave me the chance to help. First, we took out all the parts, next, using the screws and a drill, we drilled in and connected the legs of the table to a board. Finally, we added in the extra parts to the table and after modifying the table a bit, painted the table. In about four to five hours, the paint was dry. We brought it into my room and it fit perfectly. Admiring my first work I thanked my dad for giving me the chance to experience what it felt like to make something for myself.

The-Day-Of-Black-Sun at 6:03 AM



I had borrowed a DVD from my friend to watch. I had already watched part 1 of the movie but failed to watch part 2, thus I borrowed the DVD from a friend to watch. The show was about two armies that had joined forces to fight a stronger enemy. Using the skills of the generals and his battle tactics, the leader of both armies’ battles against the enemy. I loved the part where the leader concocted hoaxes to outsmart the gullible enemy. He would deploy his troops in interesting formations to trap the enemy and defeat them. Using their impeccable skills. timing and tactics, the leader and his generals are able to defeat the enemy, despite having a small army.

The-Day-Of-Black-Sun at 5:36 AM



I was at the shopping mall with some of my old primary school friends. We were looking around the mall at the various items on sale. It was then that we realized that a new arcade had opened. I did not want to play at first as I felt that it would be better to be frugal. However, after constant coaxing from my friends, I finally gave in and went in to have a look. Almost immediately, they went to the nearest game station to play. I took a cursory glance at them playing and thought that it was indeed rather fun. I was fully saturated with the urge to play the games, so I joined them. In less than 2 hours, we finally came out. I glanced at my watch, it was already 7.30pm I was late. I rushed back home to see my mother sitting on the sofa waiting for me. She reprimanded me for coming home late I was not allowed to go out on my own for a week as punishment. Lying on my bed, I reflected on my actions. It was due to my cupidity and temerity that I ended up in trouble. I hope that it never happens again.

The-Day-Of-Black-Sun at 5:07 AM

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